jueves, 20 de abril de 2017

To know me?

Hello my name is Allison Melany Apraez
 I am a 16 year old girl about to have 17 in July.

 I was born on Sunday, July 16, 2000, in Quito
 capital of the province of Pichincha, Ecuador.
 At the moment I am at home with my parents and
 I am in second of baccalaureate in the School Simón Bolívar.

Now I will tell you more about me and my personality, I am a girl who when I barely knows someone is really shy but eventually I get confidence is then there when I show my true personality, you can say that I am an aggressive girl but in the Fund keeps something more than kindness, competitive would be another of my characteristics but not much that the best is the word indifferent I do not care about others or at least I do not show it, too glad I do my best not to depress and make my friends laugh family . I almost forgot my friends take me for someone determined when I propose it .

Then we go to my tastes and I consider myself a FRIKY is that I really love the video games and the anime, if it were for me I spent all day playing and watching all the anime I want but other than that my musical taste is very varied and at the same time Strange, good to me I like rock, classical music, electronic, hip-hop, rap, anime, k-pop, Indian music and I do not remember anymore, let's go to the food, I love seafood and buffet food .

You can say that my favorite colors are black, blue, red and green, I also like art like paintings, ceramics, sculptures, etc. In sports my preference is more swimming but could be basketball and volleyball.

We go to my dark side, which I do not like in general, I hate when people eat making noise, I do not like to make noise when I read, I'm not a fan of affection, I hate music that talks only about sex and Women are sexual objects, I dislike people who are mean, dirty, racist, homophobic. What bothers me the most is not being right or not getting my way.

Well these are just basic facts about me or are the ones that I remember.

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